The Disciple Life: Following Jesus for the sake of the world
At PLCC, we “grow disciples of Christ.” And guess what… A disciple is someone who “loves God and loves people.” Do you see a circle here? But disciple-making has to be intentional and include a specific plan to give hands and feet to our mission of “loving God and loving people.” This Jesus-way of life is how we all grow as disciples (John 15:9-10).
What does the Disciple Life Look Like?
- Desiring to become more like Christ
- Committing to following Jesus’ commands
- Growing in serving God and others, becoming less consumeristic
- Gracing the failures of others and themselves
- Living out their faith in the world
- Embodying a love that is growing deeper and broader
…This is the disciple life.
Ways to Connect and Learn with Others:

At Pine Lake Covenant Church, we truly believe we are better together. For us, this means we gather beyond a Sunday morning to learn, share, play, and grow together. This can look different for each person, depending on your age, life stage, and interests.
Check out our Groups