Serve at PLCC

Serve at PLCC

Serve at PLCC

You can make a difference in the life of Pine Lake Covenant Church. Loving our neighbor involves putting faith into action and we strive to be like Christ, available to respond to the needs in our community and at home.

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
I Peter 4:9-10


Sunday mornings at PLCC are full of joyful worship and vibrant fellowship, but that doesn’t happen on its own. Facilitating this celebration is no easy task, and we’re always looking for people to serve in a variety of areas. Minimal time commitment and no experience necessary. We can train anyone!

Are you ready to lean into the gifting that God has given you? Here are the best places you can begin to serve others with your gifts:

  • Hospitality Team (Sunday Refreshment Providers, Greeters, Safety & Security Team)
  • Children & Families Ministry Team (Kairos Kids, Preschool & Littles Lounge)
  • Sunday Morning Prayer Team

Worship Ministries offers many ways to serve, spanning a wide range of creative, artistic, and technical disciplines:

  • Livestream Camera Operator
  • Video Projection Operator
  • Audio Operator
  • Photo/Video Storytelling
  • Vocalist
  • Band Musician
  • Worship Space Aesthetics

Every home has a “to do” list and PLCC is no exception. We can have a long list of fix-its. We are looking for people with skills and abilities that include carpentry, electrical, small machines, painting, fixing, building, washing, lifting, etc. Let us know what you like to do and if/when a job arises, we will give you a call.

Who to Contact

For more information or to volunteer, contact:

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