Global Missions

Global Missions

We develop partnerships with local, in-country leaders around the world, who are effective in ministry within their own language and culture and have a powerful impact in their communities.

Additional Global Mission Partners

Covenant Missionaries

Pine Lake Covenant Church belongs to the Evangelical Covenant Churches of America, and we send a tithe of our local church income to the Covenant Headquarters in Chicago. Almost half of that goes to support 5 missionaries with the Covenant that we have chosen to help.

Covenant World Relief

Established in 1946, Covenant World Relief serves as the international humanitarian aid and development arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church (in times of extreme need it also does USA domestic disaster response). Their charge is to assist the “poorest of the poor” by offering Relief, Rehabilitation, and Development.

PLCC supports CWR through an annual collection.

Principle Global Mission Partners