Pine Lake Academy (PLA) is a Preschool through 8th grade school located in the town of Kodera, Kenya. Funding for PLA is secured through sponsorship of students, coordinated by Pine Lake Covenant Church.
PLA students have exceeded all regional education expectations and learn very quickly. They love coming to school, and some of the children even walk/run 6 km each way for the privilege of attending this school. They also greatly appreciate the large play structure constructed by PLCC volunteers and dads of students in 2007.
Manage Your Sponsorship
If you have an existing student sponsorship, you can manage it at This web site provides student supporters like you with visibility into your sponsorship account and easy automatic donations with a credit or debit card. We also use this site for communications regarding your student, including pictures, reports and letters.
If you have any questions or need help contact the office, 425-392-8636 or