Local Outreach

Local Outreach

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.
Matthew 25:35-36

Local Outreach Partners

The MomCo (short for Mom Community) is a group of women, with children of all ages, going through life together. We believe moms make the world a better place and we are committed to making sure every mother knows she’s not alone on this journey.

Here at MomCo at Pine Lake, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. If you are a mom with a child at home, of any age, we have a place for you!

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Echo Glen
Echo Glen is a Washington State Juvenile Detention facility and a school run by the Issaquah School District. There are 160 to 185 great kids between the ages of 9 and 19. Most have been neglected or abused by parent(s) who may have also been neglected & abused. It seems to be a continuous cycle — one that Echo Glen staff is determined to break. Many of the parents have too many issues of their own to be able to give attention & love to their incarcerated children. These kids crave positive attention from adults and need good role models. Nearly all have dangerously low self-esteem.

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Bright Bridge

Bright Bridge enriches the lives of school-age children by bridging the gap for basic needs.

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Issaquah Food Bank
Pine Lake Covenant Church supports the Issaquah Food Bank year-round.

Don’t let your neighbors go hungry tonight

Pick up a Green Bag at church and take it with you as you do your own grocery shopping. Fill the bag with items from the list located in the bag. Return the filled Green Bag to church the following week and it will be delivered to the Issaquah Food Bank.

Immediate Needs:
  • Canned Tuna or Salmon
  • Canned Stew (no beans)
  • Canned Soups
The Food Bank ALWAYS needs the following items:
Cereal Canned Vegetables Oatmeal Pinto Beans
Flour Rice Sugar Mayonnaise
Pasta Mustard Coffee Cooking Oil
Tea Detergent Peanut Butter Dishwasher Soap
Jam / Jellies Diapers Chili Baby Food / Formula
Other opportunities to serve
  • Groceries to Go: Home delivery of groceries for citizens who are home-bound and have transportation challenges.Serves about 30+ households. We are looking for volunteer drivers, food packers, organizers and individuals in need of services.
  • Lunch for the Break: A new service that focuses on getting food to children during the week long breaks from school. Each box of food costs about $50.
  • Summer Lunch Program: Provides and average of 200 bags of kid-friendly foods each of the 10 weeks of summer. Each bag includes a week’s worth of breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
  • Tools for Schools: 1,000+ backpacks, filled with school supplies each year. This event includes a huge back-to-school festival with dental screenings, haircuts, resources, free lunch and library services.
  • Holiday Gift Barn: Supports 650+ families and 1300 children in ensuring a joyful holiday season. Parents can pick out gifts for their kids. A huge community involvement with schools, service groups, churches, businesses, and families all helping.
  • Volunteer Program: 100-150 people for collecting food, sort and organize food, distribute food, events and special programs.

Request Information

Bring your donations to the cabinet in the PLCC Main Building lower level lobby.
Young Life

Young Life is a Christian Ministry that introduces middle school and high school students to Jesus Christ and helps them grow in their faith. Young people meet weekly to have fun, fellowship, and learn about Jesus.

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