The Playbook is Pine Lake Covenant Church’s annual reminder of what we believe, what we’ve discerned as God’s will for our congregation, and how we’ll translate this into action during the coming ministry year. Ministries, missions, and teams use it to frame their plans so that we steward the best use of all God has given us.
If you attended our Annual Meeting in August, then you know we are entering this new ministry year with financial challenges. We face these challenges with faith. But we also face them as a family, each of us taking seriously what it means to belong.
We have also begun our year with an emphasis on growing in hospitality in a culture that has a reputation for not always being warm. Again, let’s all be part of that growth.
We produced our very first Playbook in 2013 and the core of what we said then holds true for us a church family today—perhaps even more so.
Lead Pastor
Leadership Team Chair
Our Foundation
Everything we do is focused on our purpose, guided by our values, and grounded in our beliefs.
Together, these provide the foundation upon which the 2020 Playbook is built.
Our Day-to-Day Values
- In everything we do, always think of how a newcomer will view and understand what we are doing. Are we explaining things in language they will understand?
- Are we making assumptions we shouldn’t make? Are we truly inviting them in? We are against cliquish or “clubish” language that excludes the visitor.
- We believe staff are primarily called not to “do ministry” but to equip people in their callings to do the ministry God has called them to to do (see Ephesians 2:10, 4:11-13).
- Always ask, “What are we doing that might be a barrier to someone hearing the gospel clearly?”
- It is more important to make disciples of Christ than to grow the size of the church. We are called to make disciples who are called to serve others, not cater to spiritual consumers.
- We value working with other churches for Kingdom purposes.
- We want the world to know God’s love through acts of service to the world around us.
- We believe Bible study without risking life-change is a spiritual dead-end. We are committed to not letting our teaching exceed our obedience.
- In all we do, we are committed to asking, “How are all ages growing and experiencing this?” Who is present? Who is engaged? Who has a voice?
- The alignment of who we are and what we do is a goal. This means having an “In and Out Burger” menu, not a “Cheesecake Factory” menu—more ministries is not necessarily better.
Our 2019-2020 Ministry Plans
Our ministry plans for 2019-2020 are founded on a faith-based budget—it is not fully funded at this time. Cuts in ministry will have to be made if our core giving does not increase making our church finances stable and sustainable.
- Sunday mornings will provide students the opportunity to engage in worship throughout the morning in the sanctuary, with the congregation. Or, they can participate in The Practice Room, a student-specific gathering to experience different spiritual practices around Scripture, rest, and reflection.
- A new curriculum with an early childhood and preschool focus will be implemented Fall 2019 to continue discipleship for our youngest members.
- A Way of Life and The Journey will offer focused discipleship for post-high school adults.
All Ages
- The confirmation journey at PLCC will expand this year through elements of serving, group learning, and one-on-one mentoring within the context of multigenerational relationships.
- The use of Homefront Magazine will continue to expand into Homefront FX, an interactive experience for families on the first Sunday of the month during Encore.
- New family Life Groups are launching this fall, with particular attention to invite new people.
- Pine Lake Covenant Church will continue to cultivate a deeper partnership with Young Life Capernaum, so that families impacted by disabilities will be welcomed to discover a church home at Pine Lake Covenant Church.
- Elementary students in Kairos Kids will engage in Justice Journey for Kids, a curriculum through the ECC, beginning Fall 2019.
- A cultural/diversity awareness workshop will be offered to staff and interested leaders.
- We will promote Journey to Mosaic, which is an immersion in various ethnic stories in our region. The four-day bus trip breaks down racial and ethnic barriers in the body of Christ.
- Beginning fall 2019, the youth ministry at Pine Lake Covenant Church will embrace a new identity. High school and middle school gatherings will create a more comprehensive identity called Pine Lake Youth.
- New this year Tuesday nights will be an intentional youth gathering for middle school and high school students. All-Access Nights will focus on creating space for students to engage in life together alongside friends.
- The Community Playgroup will expand to weekly gatherings with hosts from our congregation to welcome moms and their children from outside our church as they play on our new playground.
- A book club focused on parenting will continue, with additional invites to community members.
- Evening MOPS and MOMSnext (for moms of preschoolers through fifth grade) will launch in September. The PLCC MOPS is the only evening group on the Eastside.
- GriefShare and DivorceCare are expanding their promotion in the community to provide relational care to those in crisis.
- Spring/Summer 2020 will offer a host of different short-term missions opportunities for children, students, and families to serve alongside one another in multigenerational community.
- The Youth Leadership Collective, composed of student leaders, will help determine how to use funds designated for youth outreach. They will also assist students in discovering their giftedness and stewarding their gifts and talents in service to others.
- Staff will regularly meet with staff of external programs using Kairos Kids spaces to review room usage to ensure the care of shared spaces and equipment.
- A financial planning seminar, hosted by representatives from the Covenant Trust Co., will be provided that will have specific focus on retirement and planned-giving.
- Finish strong and celebrate greatly the completion of our Accelerate the Vision campaign.