Annual Celebration Documents

Annual Celebration Documents

2024 Annual Celebration

Leadership Team ReportLead Pastor ReportStewardship Team OverviewMinistry Program Area Reports2025 Budget DetailPLCC Five-Year Vision

LT Chair Report to Congregation

September 2024

Dear Pine Lake Covenant Church Family,

As we reflect on the 2024 fiscal year at Pine Lake Covenant Church, I want to share with you the highlights of a year marked by challenges, transitions, and rewards for our leadership team and our entire church community. While the year brought tasks with the familiar rhythm of church business, it also included significant staff changes and unexpected events. Though the year did not unfold exactly as we expected, I believe that these changes have prepared us for a new work and a new season of ministry.

Throughout the year, we relied on our faithful God, who has gone before us and prepared the way. We were also grateful for the firm foundation laid by wise leaders over the past forty years, whose strong governing principles and documents provided the guardrails that kept us on track. Additionally, we received invaluable support and guidance from the Pacific Northwest Conference (PacNWC) and the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). Most importantly, the people of Pine Lake Covenant Church (PLCC) have generously given of their time, talents, and treasures to sustain the ministries and missions of our church. Finally, the Leadership Team deeply appreciated the support, encouragement, and prayers of the people of Pine Lake.

I am especially thankful for the members of the Leadership Team, a group of wise, faithful, and resolute individuals. They kept our focus on the rhythms of our church ministries, calendar, and business while staying flexible to manage the rest of the things that came our way during the year.


The Stewardship Team, which was restructured with a new charter last year, was a catalyst for change. By shifting the budgeting process to early in the spring, they enabled the staff, Leadership Team, and ministry leaders to know well before the summer the financial resources that would be available when the fall programs kick off, allowing for better ministry planning. The team’s ongoing focus on the spiritual discipline of regular, planned giving has helped each of us to be better stewards of resources God has given us, ensuring that the people of PLCC can pursue the ministries to which God is calling us.


The Mission & Outreach Team has transformed how we select and support the missions we engage with, ensuring that our efforts align with our church’s vision and values. Through prayerful discernment and wise judgment, this group is helping our church to live out our call to serve both our community and the world.


The Leadership Team continues to prioritize the compensation of our pastors and staff. The improvements in our budgeting process, along with better handling of changes to benefits, have had a positive impact in this area.

The Leadership Team and the staff have benefited from our pastors attending Leadership Team meetings at least once each quarter, allowing us to better understand their work, concerns, and needs.

This year brought significant changes to our pastoral staff:

  • In the fall, Pastor Austin took a leave of absence. During this time, with the support of our pastors, staff, ministry leaders, the PacNWC, and the PLCC community, our church continued to grow and serve both our local community and the wider world.
  • In the winter, after ten years of ministry at PLCC, Pastor Nancy de Jong resigned to pursue a new direction in her ministry.
  • In the spring, after six years of ministry at PLCC, Pastor Mark Neely was called to serve as the lead pastor of Clairemont Covenant Church in San Diego. We knew when we hired Mark that his calling might lead him elsewhere after five years. However, even after six years it still came as a surprise.

These transitions, occurring in such a brief period, presented significant challenges, but through each one, we saw God’s presence, provision, and guidance. We were blessed with:

  • Wise and prayerful Leadership Team members;
  • Skilled and resolute pastors, staff, and lay leaders;
  • Solid governance documents and a strong culture built over 40 years;
  • Support from our denomination;
  • A resolute, trusting, and prayerful PLCC community;
  • And a God who was going before us to make a straight path in the wilderness.

One immediate need that resulted from these transitions was the need for interim pastors. Once again, we found that God had already provided for us by having Pastor Becca and Pastor Kyle on staff and able to fill these roles.

As we enter the new year, the Leadership Team is focused on implementing a staffing model that fits the size of our congregation and supports the types of ministries to which we are being called. We are looking forward to calling Associate Pastors to join our team.

We also are looking forward to aligning our church governance documents, policies, and employee handbook to ensure they are clear, synchronized, and up to date with the needs of our church and the requirements of our times. We will be forming a team to conduct this work and keep these documents current. Another team will be set up to help with risk management improvements and governance.

Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and dedication to Pine Lake Covenant Church. Together, with God’s help, we look forward to the year ahead with hope and anticipation for all that He has in store for us.

In Christ, Curtis Repp
Leadership Team Chair
Pine Lake Covenant Church

Lead Pastor Report

Pine Lake Covenant Church,

I thank God each day for each one of you! Each day I thank God for how faithful He has been to each one of us and to our church. I am astounded at how He is forming each one of you to be the church and be a light in our community. Throughout this year we have seen many things, but there are two things I want to remind us of.

  • You are the Church: Many churches know this, but Pine Lake Covenant exemplifies being the church. You don’t just attend, but you know that you are called and embody being the body of Christ to one another. Jesus said the world would know us by how we love one another. Pine Lake is an amazing place where love is known and shared.
  • You are Spirit-led: I have countless conversations with people who say they can feel the Spirit in our church. Pine Lake Covenant doesn’t seek to have all the answers, but follow the Spirit who does. I could not be more proud of being part of a church that seeks to know, experience, and seek after the Holy Spirit.

I believe the best days are ahead for PLCC. With the strength of our congregation, leaders, and faithfulness of our God, we are primed to make an impact in Sammamish, the plateau, and beyond.


We have much to celebrate. A core characteristic of our church has to be the gratitude we have for the Lord and for one another! Part of our regular rhythm is to give all praise and thanksgiving to the Lord from whom all blessings flow!

  • Baptisms: We continue to see new life in Christ happening. It is wonderful to see people making a public declaration of faith. In August, we had a beautiful picture of 4 generations being represented.
  • Visitors:  Week in and week out we have seen new people visiting and some of those people deciding that Pine Lake Covenant is the place God is calling them to continue their discipleship to Jesus.
  • Stewardship: We hit over 95% of our targeted budget! This means our congregation is faithfully trusting and giving! We are also celebrating an alignment with our HR expenses ratio to overall budget!
  • Pastors: God answered a prayer we were not praying when He brought Pastor Becca and Pastor Kyle to our community in 2021. We are excited as we move through the call process for our associate pastoral positions.


There were hills and there were valleys. We experienced some rough seasons where we had to rely not on our sight or understanding, but seek the King of the Kingdom. Some of the challenges we faced this year happened in a few different areas.

  • Associate Pastors: We saw our two beloved associate pastors discern that God was calling them into new ministry seasons. We mourned the loss of Pastor Nancy and Pastor Mark who we have to thank for creating and sustaining us through difficult seasons. During that time, they not only sustained ministry, but also saw it thrive. We are the church we are today because of their good and faithful ministry.
  • Facilities: In the transitions between each weather season, we’ve experienced HVAC problems. With building B aging, we had to address furnace and compressor failures. With those fixed, we are looking to ways to create longevity in regards to building B, which is heavily used by our church and community.
  • Pastoral Leave: In the fall, I was asked to take a leave of absence. The leave was longer and harder than the church or I expected. Pine Lake Covenant Church was led incredibly well by staff and leaders. It caused us to learn how to trust God while in the wilderness.

We know that when a community is thriving and seeking after God, the evil one wants to disrupt. We may not be able to stop the disruptions, but we will face them together.


We are and will be a church that Finds and Follows Jesus, Together! It’s time to take the next step to become the church we are called to be, not what the world expects us to be. We are excited to present at the Annual Celebration the pathway the Spirit is leading us towards. We are presenting a 5-year vision centered around 6 missional values. Those values are:

  • Unified Vision—“To Find and Follow Jesus, Together”
  • Invitational Ethos
  • Culture of Generosity
  • Disciple Making Pathways
  • Love of Neighbor
  • A Priesthood Structure

Together in Christ,
Rev. Austin Bailey

Stewardship Team Overview

At PLCC, we are a community committed to finding and following Jesus together! Following Jesus means giving our time, talent, and treasure as ways to grow our discipleship and engage in ministry. In this current year, we have seen people step up and out in faith by giving faithfully of their resources. Nevertheless, we remain challenged by a gap between ministry needs in our bare-bones budget and current giving.

In 2025, the Stewardship team will continue its emphasis on whole-life stewardship as part of growing as Jesus followers. We are confident that as our church body grows in stewardship, individuals will come to know Jesus, grow in him, and the kingdom of God will expand. We also would like to expand the Stewardship team. If you are interested in serving on the team, please contact Jessica Wilgus or Loren Gustafson.

2024 Lookback

  • Giving Income is expected to be roughly $883,500 for the year (~95% approved budget)
    • Other Income (non-recurring) from ERC (one time IRS refund) and recurring Building use fees are roughly 147K so far this year
  • Expenses are expected to come in at roughly 112% of expected.
    • Staff expenses were slightly greater than expected
  • Reserve Fund Activity:
    • Other Income funds are being set aside/transferred to reserve funds for pastoral housing assistance and building maintenance costs we are planning for in the next 3-5 years
  • Net Year-end estimate: We are estimating PLCC to end the fiscal year (August 2024) with a roughly $44,000 budget shortfall (when including Other Income).

2025 Outlook

  • Stewardship & Leadership is proposing a balanced budget
  • Income:
    • We are proposing a flat giving income target for 2025 compared to 2024 
  • Expenses:
    • Staff expenses will be down year over year
  • Specific areas of focus
    • Maintenance & Technology Investments
    • Rebuilding Reserve funds & Emergency Savings
    • Budgeting/planning (known as transfers) for Long Term Maintenance (e.g. painting, roofing) and Pastoral Housing Assistance
 As of JulyBudgetActualsEst. Year End (net)
Total Giving Income$870,650$824,736$921,723
% variance94.7%$(51,313)
Other Income$28,311$46,000
Total Expense$894,040$999,926$1,095,000
% variance111.8%$122,217
Projected Net
Income (July)
*Excluding other income
Previous Year Budget (24)Proposed Budget (25)Year/year % change
Total Expense$972,783$979,0461%
Groups | Austin Bailey

2024 Lookback

In 2022 we relaunched groups under the new pathway of growth, social, and life groups. We had a successful launch and look forward to capitalizing on that start for 2023-24. For the fall, winter, and spring we had groups meeting and growing as disciples.

Growth groups had a great connection with newcomers through our This Is Us group. From that group we welcomed many new people, with many of them being invited into membership at PLCC. We also had a great follow up group that met around the topic of racial righteousness.

Social groups had another great year inviting new people who had never interacted with PLCC through basketball groups, workout groups, anchor gatherings, and Tuesdays together.

Many of our long-standing life groups continued to meet and grow as disciples. We launched our first Practicing the Way group who would pilot this new program to see how it would be accepted as a possible life group pathway for the future.

2025 Outlook

As we look forward to next year, we are aiming to lay out a strategic plan for our discipleship groups. Our aim is to move from an a la carte model of growth groups to a more consistent pathway of discipleship. As we develop this new pathway of discipleship through our groups, we believe that we will be able to provide a space for all types of disciples to engage and grow. We believe that a clear and consistent pathway will be easy for our community to navigate and find growth in. We will still offer in different seasons special growth groups around certain topics, but it will be in addition to our new normal pathways.

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst. Year End (net)
Adult Christian
Formation (Groups)
$ –  $(1,452)0
% variance   $(1)
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Adult Christian Formation (Groups)$ –  $7,200
Mission & Outreach
Mission & Outreach | Kyle Harmon

2024 Lookback

Our team has been busy working hard to keep mission, outreach, and serving integral to our congregation as we find ways to follow Jesus together. Kyle Harmon replaced Mark Neely this spring and is serving as the staff representative.  Current members: Kathy Aye, Jenna Crane, Tiffanie Dieffenbach, Josh Lawrence, Tim Sneath & Beth Weaver.

Global Mission Partnerships (directly supported by PLCC):

  • Christopher Sure: Kodera, Kenya. In the last year Christopher has worked on developing an NGO for Pine Lake Academy. He and the NGO board are moving towards self-sustainability.
  • Adi & Lavi Dreana: Oradea, Romania. Adi, Lavi, & Seia Dreana came to visit in August. They are continuing their ministry providing relief for Ukraine refugees. Construction on the Oradea Community Center continues and another Greenhouse project was recently completed.
  • Chase and Meg Harmon: Munich, Germany. Chase and Meg have completed their time in Germany. It was a great partnership and we welcome them back to Washington.

Evangelical Covenant Church Global Personnel Partners (supported by our tithes):

  • Kristi Johnson: Thailand
  • Erika Clauson: Mexico
  • Letha Kerl: Europe
  • Seth & Sam Jordan: Israel/Palestine (new partners)

Local Outreach Initiatives:

  • Fall Festival: We offered a “Meal Packing Station” for children and families to learn more about Children of the Nations and the event.
  • Meal Packaging Event: In December members of the church and community came together in the gym to package 30,000+ meals for COTN to engage in supporting food instability in the developing world.
  • Giving Tree: This year over 100 items were donated to Bright Bridge to support students from Skyline High School and Challenger Elementary school. Items were also collected to support Echo Glen.
  • Echo Glen Valentines: Over 400 Valentines were made by PLCC attendees and delivered to incarcerated teens living at Echo Glen.
  • Issaquah Food Bank “Green Bag Project”: PLCC partnered with IFB in this neighborhood food collection project. Church members are also participating by dropping Green Bags off at church on assigned months. From February-August over 900 pounds of food has been donated by PLCC participants.
  • Capernaum’s Got Talent: Capernaum Young Life participants performed for an audience of over 100 people. PLCC provided setup, A/V, refreshments and audience participation.
  • Global 6K, Team World Vision: This year we partnered with Creekside Covenant Church in Redmond to raise funds for clean water in the DR Congo.

2025 Outlook

As we look forward to this year we want to continue seeking local outreach opportunities in our community. We worked hard this past year to connect with several local organizations and successfully implemented new partnerships with them. We want to continue those partnerships while still being open to other possibilities in our community.  We will be “highlighting” mission and outreach projects during church services each month to keep members informed. Creating opportunities for PLCC youth to join in outreach projects will continue to be an important part of our vision.

This year we will begin reducing our Pine Lake Academy support. We will continue decreasing our contribution over the next 5 years when PLA will then be self-sustainable. To successfully accomplish this plan, the team will have a fundraiser to continue support for the 5-year plan. Next summer (July 6-14, 2025) we will be offering an intergenerational trip to the Dominican Republic through our partnership with Children of the Nations.

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
Community Missions
(Global & Local)
% variance 99.3%$(251)
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Community Missions (Global & Local)$37,550$37,5000%
Congregational Care
Congregational Care | Austin Bailey

2024 Lookback

2023-24 was a season of shifts. Shifts of individuals who had been on the team for a long time stepping off, including Nancy who was the pastoral liaison to the team. The team also welcomed new members and team leaders to take up the roles vacated by others. Also, a new position of care coordinator was created to help with the assistance outside friends needed through gas and food gift cards.

New additions to the Care Team:

  • Carol Elliot – Visitation coordinator
  • Kristen Wisegarver – Cards ministry
  • Chrstine Strom – Community care coordinator
  • Leslie Alt – Memorial coordinator

We also want to say thank you to those individuals who have departed from the team last year. PLCC would not be the caring church we are without the behind-the-scenes care team members. We are grateful for their years of service to Pine Lake and our congregation.

Leaders Transitioning off Care Team:

  • Carol Anderson – Connect ministry
  • Arlene Snell – Cards ministry
  • Lilian Stauber – Memorial coordinator

Through all the changes, Julie Guse has led the team and leaned into partnering with other long term care team members to lead in the interim until Pastor Austin joined the team in the spring.

Stephen Ministry continues to meet and provide care to many individuals. There were additions to the team this year and they are looking at continual training and adding of new Stephen Ministers.

2025 Outlook

The Care Team’s focus for the next year is to build a new team filling in new positions that had been held by others for many years. With a new team will come a new season, with new ideas of how-to best care for those who call PLCC home and for those seeking assistance from our community. The Care Team is committed to caring for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our congregation. There is a deep desire to reconnect with the broader body to have a better understanding of the care that is needed rather than just what is brought to their attention. Also, this year the team is looking to discern how to help people with their needs of food and gas. The team is looking at the current policy and revising it to reflect our current desire to not just be a handout, but to build relationships with those who are seeking assistance.

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
Congregational Care$4,445$(1,115)$(1,217)
% variance-25.1%$(6,067)
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Congregational Care$4,850$2,300-53%
Children & Families Ministry
Children & Families Ministry | Becca Worl

2024 Lookback

This year Pastor Nancy De Jong concluded her 10-year pastoral ministry at PLCC which included oversight for Children and Family Ministries. After her departure, and my onboarding, the Pine Lake Kids Team continued providing seamless discipleship to children and families.

MOPS/MomCo: Ashely Bailey and her team continued to direct Moms of Preschooler’s (now newly branded as MomCo.). This morning and evening program cared deeply and widely for many mothers in our community.

Community Playgroup: Every Monday we open gym doors to provide a play place for families of young kids in our community. Recently we’ve experienced a surgency in numbers of Mandarin speaking persons, and the Lord provided a translator who volunteers every week to come and help build relationships.

CLUB 45: Brent and Kathryn Kendall led our program for 4th and 5th graders faithfully every Tuesday Together evening in 2024. This year, we anticipate double the numbers, and the Kendalls are continuing to serve in this capacity. The students will work through the foundations of faith using the Apostles Creed.

Sunday Morning: Three Words: Teamwork makes Dreamwork!  This March we hosted a Children’s Ministry lunch enjoying the company of 25 people showing interest in participating in a variety of ways:

  • Five teams were launched out of this (a team per week) of dedicated classroom leaders for K-5, Preschool, and Little’s Lounge!
  • Team leaders are deeply giving, devoted, engaged, and delightfully responding to the discipleship needs of our kids and families at PLCC.
  • We continued using the 2023-2024 Curriculum “Wonderink.”
  • We made a shift from “Kairos Kids” to “Pine Lake Kids” (PLK) and we have T-shirts now!
  • During the service, students are invited to the “blue carpet” for a special message time (this is one of the highlights of my Sunday morning).

Events: Fall Festival! Christmas Eve Service! Egg Hunt! Sports Camp! And a Moana and Mac ‘n’ Cheese night! We love exploring ways to welcome well, have fun well, and care well for PLK and those in our community. These events are only possible through the immense talents of Kim Witherbee and the outpouring of so many called and gifted volunteers giving lavishly of time, talent and treasure.

Pine Lake Kids are so curious, kind, brave, thoughtful and inquisitive. It is such a joy to know them more and partner with an amazing team who truly loves them and desires to point each heart to Jesus.

2025 Outlook

2024-2025 will continue in the good work of ‘23-‘24 ministry: Club 45, Sunday morning programming, seasonal events, MomCo, and the Playgroup will all continue forward. This year as we press deeper into the vision and mission of the entirety of PLCC, in finding and following Jesus together, a few changes are on the horizon!

We place high value on building meaningful, long-lasting relationships between team leaders and PLCC children and families, and between students. Here are a few ways we will cultivate this:

  • Lengthening K-5 class through the end of the whole service (total 40 minutes) in order to provide ample space for relationship building and conversation.
  • Offering children’s events like “invite nights.”
  • Celebrating birthdays!

We place a high value on what Apostle Paul calls, “the priesthood of all believers,” meaning – we are the church. All of us. And this generation isn’t the “future of the church,” they ARE the church. To reflect this, we will continue to center children in our worship, but we will go a bit deeper this year!

  • First Sundays (communion Sundays) will look a little different this year; PLK will be offered more opportunities to be involved in worship, serving, and participation.
  • Developing ministry leaders with resources and providing a variety of learning opportunities offered in our region / through the Covenant.

We place a high value on disciple-making!

  • Investment in a new curriculum called “The Jesus Storybook Bible” which offers a simplified structure for Sunday learning offering more time to relationship building and praying together. The goal for this change is also to provide a more accessible discipleship resource not only for teachers but also for parents, bridging the gap between church and home.
  • Encouraging parents /guardians in their discipleship of their kids by providing resources and forums for conversations, encouragement and prayer.
  • Investing my time in the Monday Play Group – staying for conversation, inviting to church and events, offering prayer and hospitality.
  • Continuing to involve Pine Lake Youth (PLY) into the life of Pine Lake Kids. (see Youth Ministry below).
  • Creating bridging opportunities for Club 45 in the spring as they enter PLY. 

We place a high value on being invitational and missional!

  • A new space for Sunday Morning K-5 class that is kid-friendly, welcoming, and “theirs.”
  • PLK Invite nights—reaching our neighbors for Christ.
  • Justice Journey Curriculum launch in 2025
As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
Children & Families
% variance 5.7%$(8,624)
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Children & Families
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry | Becca Worl

2024 Lookback

Overview and Growth: In March of this year, Pastor Mark Neely concluded his ministry at PLCC. 2023-2024 was a remarkable year of growth, and by the grace of God continued to expand and deepen after his departure.

  • Our last PLY middle school retreat clocked in at a whopping 21 students!
  • A dozen HS students went to UNITE West which was truly a most deeply formative week both spiritually and relationally.
  • 12 MS students attended the Campbell Farms service-learning trip.
  • Our summer day trips and events usually included upward of 25 students.
  • Pine Lake Youth grew on Tuesday nights as well, sometimes we would fill the boathouse with 40 students, but regular attendance more around 20-25. One of the greatest signs of health in a youth group is when students invite their friends!

While we experienced new faces and growth in numbers, we also experienced a great deepening in discipleship.

  • 13 students graduated from the Confirmation Program
  • 7 students were baptized
  • 15 students were involved in summer bible studies.

Relationships between students and PLY team members also were greatly deepened through these events, retreats, and study opportunities.

Events: 2024 was marked by some transformative trips and events!

  • Unite
  • Campbell Farms
  • MS and HS went to the MUD & THUNDER retreats
  • We had our 3rd MS PLY only retreat at Cascades.

We enjoyed a packed summer of day trips, Fort Casey, Denny Creek, lake days, service-learning opportunities, a confirmation retreat, and summer bible studies.

The Pine Lake Youth Team:

  • Melissa Peterson, Todd Guse, Alex and Amy Robichaux, Sara Pedersen, Rob Worl, and Darren and Faith Bridges continued to serve faithfully were deeply invested in these students’ lives.
  • Pastor Kyle’s addition to the team in the multiple ways he gives—especially through music leading/teaching with our Good Vibes band—adds life and depth to PLY.
  • PLY vitality and growth is made possible by the MANY other volunteers who show up to drive, cook, clean, bring snacks, tear down, provide homes for events, etc. Truly the priesthood of all believers is evident here.

Beyond Tuesday:

  • Pine Lake Youth exists far outside of just Tuesday nights, you will see many of our youth involved in Sunday worship leading, AV support, hospitality, children’s classrooms, little’s lounge, espresso cart, Tuesdays Together, and participate in PLCC events.
  • Our PLY continues to serve in the weekly church worship rhythms, but also you’ll see Pine Lake Youth serving at Fall Festival, the Egg Hunt, Christmas Eve, Meal Packaging, Letters for Echo Glen, Homeless kit-making, Capernaum’s Got Talent, Grubby Sunday, and more.
  • Our team continues to seek ways to engage our students outside of the youth-group-night paradigm – through Sunday connections, 1×1 mentoring, special events, and attending games and shows.
  • We offered another mental health forum with Rev. Dawn Taloyo who presented on Anxiety and Family Systems. We continue to look for ways to equip and sustain parents in the discipleship of their students.

2025 Outlook 

This year we will continue to Find and Follow Jesus Together through our regular Tuesday night gatherings, confirmation, retreats, Good Vibes worship band, bible studies, mentoring, events, and serving opportunities! We will offer two more mental health forums, and press into further resourcing for parents through offerings the conference provides, video interviews, book reviews, etc.

We will be expanding on some of our values and adding a few more opportunities. Here is what to expect for 2024-2025:

The Priesthood of All Believers: This year our focus will be looking out for the unique skills, gifts and desires in each student, and inviting them to lead in ALL the spaces of PLY and key areas of PLCC worship: our team has an amazing plan to implement this including adding some new serve opportunities and investing in  training up our older youth in areas of teaching, worship leading, bible studies, and small group leading.

This also reflects our high value of cultivating a culture of generosity and giving of our time, talents and treasures. We will also begin a student-offering for student scholarships. My goal for year 1 of this is to have ¼ of our student scholarship money provided by students!

Making Disciples: This year, I have budgeted to reflect the high value I have for retreats, invite nights, discipleship through hospitality and biblical formation.

  • We will add another PLY only HS retreat at Cascades in the spring.
  • 7 specific “invite nights.”
  • Confirmation will look a little different this year as we implement a new curriculum (The Journey, which will take us through the entirety of the bible) and a mentoring plan between HS and MS, inviting all our PLY to participate in the teaching and learning. 
  • Our Tuesday series this year will be “4 the Love” – as we explore Who God is, Who we are, and Who we are in relationship to our neighbor and the world.  In the Spring we will be using portions of Rich Villoda’s book “The Deeply Formed Life,” to shape our teaching on what holistic salvation looks like.
  • Alex Robichaux and Pastor Austin will be offering a “college-bound welcome-to-male-adulthood” small group for high school senior boys every Tuesdays Together evening from 7:00-8:00!! More details to come.

Missional: Dominican Republic Mission Trip: Our PLCC Mission & Outreach Team led by Pastor Kyle will be embarking on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, July 6-14, 2025. Pine Lake Youth will be teaming up with this initiative and participating! This will be our summer High School Trip.

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
% variance 101.1%$128
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Student Ministries$11,250$11,2500%
Worship Arts / A/V / Hospitality
Worship Arts / A/V / Hospitality | Kyle Harmon

2024 Lookback

This past year, Worship at Pine Lake Covenant was characterized by a renewed intention to build community, fellowship, and find new worshipers to join our team in leading the

congregation. The result of both the pandemic and previous worship leadership was a small team of musicians and leaders that did not foster growth and discipleship in the ministry.

  • Moved away from weekly rehearsal on Wednesday evenings
  • Worship Community Nights, team building events, and festival worship experiences
  • Saved around 1,000 collective hours of volunteer and staff time to run a weekly rehearsal without lowering the quality of our worship experiences on Sundays.
  • Shifted focus from musical excellence to experiences focused on fellowship, community, and discipleship
  • 8 new volunteers in worship/AV
  • Tech Team implemented new database management systems campus-wide (planning center)

This shift also allowed me to focus my efforts on building the youth worship experience on Tuesday nights. The children and youth of Pine Lake Covenant are not just the “Next Generation.” They are the church now, and our services, volunteers, and programs on Sundays should reflect that reality. This has had an impact by connecting relationships and experiences on Tuesday to what we do on Sunday mornings. The intention behind this is to integrate Pine Lake Youth into Sunday mornings by building bridges musically, spiritually and relationally.

  • 4 new youth worship volunteers
  • 5 new youth musicians at “Good Vibes”
  • Greater engagement in worship and singing
  • Evie Bridges worship internship

2025 Outlook

As the 2025 worship budget was planned, several key factors were considered. Looking ahead to 2025, some aspects of the ministry helped influence the budgeting process. The budget was largely rebuilt and planned last year, so there are not significant changes. 35% of worship spending to this point in 2023-24 was reserved to make an important keyboard purchase. Overall, the budget has held steady at $14,400 based on a few priority changes.

This also includes added subscriptions from all church, which were managed well within the worship budget. The vision for these changes includes:

  • Expanding the Christmas and Easter festival worship programs
  • Expanding an intern program next summer
  • Making a few key A/V purchases for the Sanctuary (this is included in the 3-year plan)
  • Livestream equipment decreasing as setup is working well, and we do not wish to expand the ministry. We want to encourage people to join us in person, and our online experience is sufficient for people who need another option.
  • More budgeting allocated to youth equipment for worship as the youth worship expands. This may include a small lighting project, and other equipment purchases to grow with the growing needs of PLY.
  • Creative Arts and Visiting Speaker budgets have been increased to account for the change in the preaching team and to encourage more creative arts in our worship this year.
  • Expanded Hospitality ministry including more hospitality volunteers, positions, and vision for creating a culture of hospitality.

This budget reflects stewardship of the resources God has allocated to worship and a narrowing vision for where God is calling our worshiping community to find and follow Jesus together.

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
Worship &
% variance 72.5%$(4,038)
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Worship & Music$14,700$14,7000%
Operational Ministry
Stewardship & Finance

Denominational & Conference Tithe

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
& Conference Tithe
% variance94.7%$(4,416)
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Denominational & Conference Tithe$83,700$93,00011%
Administrative & Service
  • Church event support (Background checks, Hospitality)
  • Office & Sanctuary (Custodial, Garbage, Insurance, Pest control, Utilities)
  • Office Management (Internet, PCO, Productivity software, State Taxes)
  • Staff & Leadership Support (Payroll Expenses, staff retreat, fees and checks)
  • Communication & Assimilation (Advertising, Social Media & PLCC.org website)
  • <New> Transfers to Savings and Reserve Accounts (Emergency funds, maintenance, etc)

2024 Communications Highlights

In all ministry areas, we embrace our value of finding and following Jesus together. In pursuit of that value, PLCC utilizes social media and video channels (primarily Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) to not only keep our church community connected and informed, but most importantly to share the gospel and the love of Jesus both locally and globally. Whether through regular financial contributions to PLCC, or through your viewing, sharing, and reacting to our posts, your stewardship and engagement on these platforms is vital to our mission. We thank you for your support of PLCC’s digital ministries!

Here is a brief summary—by way of data—of our social media impact over the last year:

  • Reach: 19,300 accounts (Facebook/Instagram)
  • Content Interactions: 5,300 (Facebook/Instagram)
  • Viewing Hours: 1,600 (Facebook/YouTube)
  • New Followers/Subscribers: 41 on Facebook; 73 on Instagram; 22 on YouTube

We also added a new team member, Izzy Jones, who helps collect photo and video content and manage our social media ministry!

2025 Communications Outlook

We’ve made incredible progress in live-streaming and video/social media ministries over the past couple years, but these critical areas are still carried by a small number of individuals. We would love to welcome more people into the ministry of sharing our worship services through live-stream camera operation and video/slide projection, and also the ministry of capturing and sharing the essence of our PLCC community through photos and videos. If you’d like to know more about serving in these areas, please contact our Communications Coordinator, Scott Jones. All experience levels are welcome!

2024 Facilities Highlights

Over the last year, the PLCC campus has been the busiest. The campus is filled with various groups throughout the week. Our gym is used by multiple groups in our community almost every day. Basketball (five different organizations), cheerleading, Young Life, ballet, American Red Cross, choir concerts, piano & voice recitals are just some of the groups meeting throughout the year.  

We also have amazing PLCC partnerships that happen all year long! We love our partnerships with Labyrinth, BSF Monday nights and BSF Thursday morning. We truly are connecting with our community! We have heard many stories of how God is blessings these partnerships.

Every year our building ages. With the aging of our building, we have year-to-year maintenance and long-term maintenance that is required. Add that we have now many groups meeting in our spaces, it requires our attention and our funds to allow the building to continue to bless our church and community.

We are always looking for ways to maintain and improve our building while mitigating the cost associated to running the facility. This last year we began a project of converting all the lighting in building B from incandescent lights to LED. We are still in process of finishing the conversion on the lower level in building B. In doing so, our monthly power bill has significantly decreased, and we expect at the completion of the project to see that cost lower as well. We have also added much needed storage on the sides of the gym stage to accommodate our groups who use our building. It allows us to maximize space of the stage as well as keeping it functional.

When it comes to the budget, we exceeded the expected income from groups! Praise Jesus!

2025 Facilities Outlook

We already have multiple organizations excited to return in the fall! We are excited to continue the partnerships with our outside groups as well as seek new partnerships with groups from our community.

We are looking forward as a community to care for our campus through our annual Grubby Sunday workday, and other clean up opportunities. As a team we are consistently assessing the short-term work that needs to happen as well as the long-term needs.

Financially, through the ERC credit, we have set money aside to begin to save for the larger long-term projects that will need to be completed in the next five years. We are committed to continue setting aside funds so that we will not have to leverage our credit to take care of the building. We are also looking into creative ways to lower the operational costs, while at the same time, adding value to our facility.

Thank you, church, for all your help in caring and creating a campus that is inviting to our community.

 As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
& Service
% variance 153.1%$112,919
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
& Service
Staff Expense

Staff payroll, taxes, benefits & insurance

As of JulyBudgetActualsEst Year End (net)
Staff Expense$549,123$574,371$626,586
% variance 104.6%$27,543
Previous Year BudgetProposed BudgetYear/year % change
Staff Expense$599,043 $473,234-21%
Appendix / Budget Summary


Budget Summary
  Previous Year Budget (24)Proposed Budget (25)Year/year % change
Total Income $973,036$981,3241%
Ministry Program Expenses    
 Adult Christian Formation$7,200100%
 Community Missions (Global & Local)$37,550$37,5000%
 Congregational Care$4,850$2,300-53%
 Family & Children’s Ministries$9,150$9,1500%
 Student Ministries$11,250$11,2500%
 Worship & Music$14,700$14,7000%
Operational Expenses    
 Staff Expense$599,043$473,234-21%
 Denominational & Conference Tithe$83,700$93,00010%
 Administrative & Service$212,540$310,71146%
Total Expense$972,783$979,0461%
Net Income$253$66

Report Table Primer (Math Camp)

BudgetActualsEst Year
End (net)
Total Income$957,084$803,597$852,045(1)
% variance 84.0%$(162,741)(2)
Total Expense$932,907$877,980$954,097
% variance 94.1%$(59,689)
Projected Net Income as of July $(103,052)(3)
Previous Year Budget (23)Proposed Budget (24)Year/year % change
Total Income$1,014,786$973,036-4%
Total Expense$1,013,786$972,783-4%
  1. Estimated Year End Total $$= Actuals % variance * Previous Year Budget Total (23)
    • Income: 84% x 1,014,786 = 852,045 (Est year end income)
    • Expense: 94.1% x 1,013,786 = 954,097 (Est year end expense)
  2. Estimated Year End Net = Estimated Year End $$ – Previous Year Budget Total (23)
    • Income: 852,045 – 1,014,786 = -162,741 (unfavorable)
    • Expense: 954,097 – 1,013,786  =  – 59,689 (favorable)
  3. Estimated Year End Net Income = Estimated Year End Income – Estimated Year End Expense
    • -162,741 – (-59,589) = -103,052
Click to download detailed 2025 Budget
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