SUNDAY, MARCH 31 • 9 AM & 11 AM
We are so excited to gather with you for Easter Sunday services at 9AM & 11AM on March 31st! Whether you’re connecting with us in person or right here online*, we can’t wait to celebrate the hope of Jesus’ resurrection together! (*The 9AM service will be livestreamed online and then remain available for subsequent viewing)
Easter morning we celebrate the risen Jesus, who conquered sin and death! What do we do, though, for those of us who struggle with our unbelief? What does Easter offer the curious, the doubters, and the faithful? It is a call to come and see. Join us as we explore the implications of Jesus’ call to his disciples and us to take notice of his wounds!

THURSDAY, MARCH 28 • 6:30 – 7:30 PM
So wonderful to eat and worship together during last night’s Maundy Thursday gathering! Thank you to our amazing volunteers who prepared the delicious dinner and the space, and provided the sound and music. Check it out if you missed it!

Come enjoy some family fun at our annual Easter Egg Hunt! We’ll start with games, crafts and treats in the gym, and finish with the egg hunt! We can’t wait to welcome you and your family! Check out last year’s Easter Egg Hunt!