We have this saying in our community: Pine Lake Covenant is not going to become the church our world expects it to be, but the community God is calling us to be.
We believe that unique calling as a church has both an interior expression, and an exterior impact. We are called to be the church that gathers and is sent out into our communities with the good news of Jesus Christ.
To be a unique church on the plateau we need to BECOME the church the Holy Spirit is leading us to be. In order to be obedient to the calling of the Spirit, there are 6 cultural shifts we need to make to become the church for the people of Sammamish:
- Unified Vision—“To Find and Follow Jesus, Together”
- Invitational Ethos
- Culture of Generosity
- Disciple Making Pathways
- Love of Neighbor
- A Priesthood Structure
Our desire is to see in 5 years these core values lived out in every aspect of our church community. Becoming the church never happens overnight, but a step in the same direction every day leads us where we need to go.
The first step starts now! In year 1, we will make some small but significant shifts to help us start on the road of becoming this church. Year 1 will be a season of learning new rhythms and identities as a community. We will be formed and will grow.
None of this is possible without Jesus. We will look to our Rabbi Jesus as our only hope and our firm foundation. We will seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in every moment, and rest in the knowledge the Father will be faithful to His church. As He is faithful, we will be faithful.
In Sammamish, as it is in Heaven.
Lead Pastor

Year 5 Vision
- Vision is known and lived out
- “Finding and Following Jesus, Together”
- Invitational Culture
- Into community
- Deeper in Christ
- Culture of Generosity
- Time, Treasure, and Talent
- Interior and exterior marker
- Disciple-making Culture
- Deep Discipleship
- Disciples making disciples
- Love Thy Neighbor
- Prays, Serves, Shares neighbors and community
- Priesthood of all believers
- Lay driven ministries
- Lay leadership
Ministry Markers
- Discipleship
- 90% completed Basics course
- 75% of individuals in Groups
- Missions and Outreach
- 80% regularly serving in mission and outreach
- 50% leading in mission and outreach initiatives
- Mission partners fully aligned with values
- Worshipping Community
- Discipleship Sunday integrated
- Holy Spirit empowered and engaged in worship and community life
- Children
- Fully integrated into all areas of PLCC life
- Parents discipling Parents
- Youth
- Established pathway to equip teachers and students to lead
- ¾ Scholarship for students, provided by student offering
- 90% completed Alpha and Confirmation

Year 3 Vision
- Vision known, establishing roots in lives
- Vision can be said by all members
- Core Convictions establishing
- Growth in personal invitation
- Personal external invitation to PLCC
- Deeper invitation to leadership and community
- Contagious generosity
- Growth in serving
- In the “black” financially
- One level deep leadership
- Deep Discipleship Growth
- Discipleship pathway solidified
- Growing deep disciples
- Pursuit of wide growth
- Neighbors Known
- Conviction to know neighbors
- Praying for neighbors and community conviction
- Movement toward Partnership framework – Priesthood
- Lay and Staff led services
- Move from staff led teams to lay led teams (partnership)
Ministry Markers
- Discipleship
- 50% completed Basics course
- 3 New practicing the way Life Groups
- Missions and Outreach
- 50% regularly serving in mission and outreach
- 30% leading in mission and outreach initiatives
- 70% of mission partnerships committed to long-term goals and values
- Worshipping Community
- Shared teaching from pastors and congregation
- Discipleship Sunday streamlined
- Outpouring of Holy Spirit experienced in worship
- Children
- Forums and resourcing for Parents
- Justice Journey for Kids 2025
- PLCC Family Camp
- Youth
- ⅔ scholarship money raised by student offering
- Students serving
- Alpha launch

Year 1 Vision
- Vision said and familiarity established
- Said in services, groups, ministries, events
- Consistent visibility in physical and digital spaces
- Encouraging invitational conviction
- Who is God inviting?
- Where is God inviting?
- Launch Generosity priorities
- Treasure – Budget course correction
- Talent – Leadership Pipeline launch
- Time – Practice of Sabbath
- New Discipleship Pathway
- Basics Course
- Practicing the Way Life Groups
- Disciple making pathway launch
- Neighboring introduction
- Yearly Sermon Series
- Neighboring Group
- Priesthood: Move to sharing and empowering
- Invitation to leadership opportunities
- Discipleship Sunday pilot
Ministry Markers
- Discipleship
- 20% completed Basics course
- 2 new Practicing the Way life groups
- Mission and Outreach
- Mission partnerships assessed for alignment and affirmed via MOU
- Green bag project donations doubled
- 20 mission trip participants
- Kodera 5-Year Sustainability plan developed
- Worshiping Community
- Discipleship Sunday pilot launch in October
- Stories of Discipleship (digital and live)
- Deeper engagement with the Holy Spirit in worship
- Children
- Children integrated into Discipleship Sunday
- Curriculum change to Jesus Storybook Bible
- Invite Nights (PLK/PLY)
- Youth
- Confirmation Mentorship program and curriculum change
- HS only retreat
- ⅓ student scholarships funded by students
- Serve opportunities sign ups