Leadership Team

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team of Pine Lake Covenant Church is comprised of the Lead Pastor and up to eight other elected members. They are responsible for building, maintaining and overseeing the spiritual welfare of the congregation and for directing and overseeing all ministries and business affairs of Pine Lake Covenant Church. You may contact them as a group by e-mailing LeadershipTeam@plcc.org.

Who is Being Called to the Leadership Team?

The Nominating Team seeks candidates for the Leadership Team. The term of each position is 2 years, and a member can serve up to 3 terms. We are searching for gifted people who follow Christ in their daily life, demonstrated through the following:

  • Character, Giftedness, and Passion consistent with the Bible and the mission of PLCC
  • Active participant in worship and the life of Pine Lake Covenant Church
  • Consistent giving and living in Christ

Please prayerfully consider who God is calling to this important role and ask permission from the person you are recommending prior to the nomination. Nominee names can be submitted by contacting a member of the Nominating Team or Pastor Austin Bailey.

Current Leadership Team Members:

Charlotte Brun

Todd Radcliffe